Reza Ahmad Counsellor & Psychotherapist Online and in Bristol (UK)


'Parts Work: An Illustrated Guide to Your Inner Life' - Tom Holmes: a great introduction to IFS

'No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma & Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model' - Dick Schwartz: the founder of Internal Family Systems

'Living from My Centred Self: An IFS Wisdom Journal' - Elaine Casquarelli & Karin Lubin: 4 separate workbooks

'Bring Yourself to Love' - Mona Barbara: for couples



"True Meditation: Discover the Freedom of Pure Awareness" - Adyashanti: although this is not explicitly parts oriented it is one of the best meditation guides I have come across and it can greatly support your therapeutic process.



A compilation of research into the efficacy of IFS can be found at the IFS Institute website here.


Other Resources

Inner Active Cards - Sharon Sargent Eckstein: a boxed set of illustrated cards that each depict a 'part' or sub-personality. Whilst everyone's parts are unique and appear to each of us in their own way, these images may be used to help you recognise and connect to your own unique parts.


Emergency Services

Unfortunately, as a therapist in private practice I am unable to offer an emergency service. However, if you are experiencing a mental health crisis and feel the need for immediate emergency support you have a number of options. This kind of distress may involve:

  • a psychotic episode which means a serious loss of your usual sense of reality and can include hearing voices and hallucinations
  • suicidal behaviour or intent
  • other behaviour that is likely to endanger yourself or others
  • being at serious risk of harm from someone else

    The following services are available:
  • Call NHS 111 and choose the 'mental health' option. This is for when you need help or medical treatment quickly but its not a life-threatening emergency.
  • Call 999 emergency services if you are in a life-threatening situation (yours or someone else's). Alternatively, you can go to Accident and Emergency if you have serious concern for your immediate safety. There is an on-call psychiatrist at the Bristol Royal Infirmary who you can ask to see in an emergency.
  • Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans
  • Other support services: you can view a PDF listing other services in Bristol here.


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